Friday, November 27, 2015

last blog

Hey this is my last blog and it was a blast chatting up how I felt and what I went through. to reiterate my blogs I talked about a deck and my puppy mostly. well see ya and have a wonderful life for all who read this.

Childhood movies!!

 Kung fu panda three is coming out this January and I have been waiting a couple years since the last one. unfortunately the incredibles two movie is not coming out for another three and a half years.

old movies

I decided to go on the family computer and upload some old movies to a usb, such as rush hour and kung fu panda, which is sort of old. I am going to stay up till like five watching movies or I pass out, time to make coffee hahaha.


      I have had a great time by myself, but I get too bored because I have watched everything on Netflix and facebook has mostly the same things on it. I made a quesadilla today and that's all I did today because I had nothing to do but cook food. Took care of the puppy but he has been suspiciously quiet so I had to make sure he didn't eat anything he wasnt supposed to.

Thanksgiving 3

  well its black Friday and my grandparents left this morning. what upset me today was when my grandparents brought a honey baked ham for dinner, but then when they ,my step grandma  took the ham with them on their twelve hour journey back home. so I was just weirded out by someone taking a ham they brought all the way back home for almost no reason.

Thursday, November 26, 2015


   Well this is my first semester of college and it has been a little rough adjusting, but I'm slowly getting used to it. I had to take third semester classes so I experienced a good first time at college and I am ready, sort of, for round two.

Break two

I have so much more to do that I hope I can get done in time. I'm having a blast, but it's time to get to work because other wise I'll fall behind even more and that's not good at all. I'm behind in math and accounting, just hoping I can get get everything done in the three days I have left haha.